The Greatness In You process

You are the sum total of all your experiences in life.

Most people know the cause of emotional problems: the programming that children receive from parents when young, but knowing is not enough. More and more information fed into the intellect only increases the tension, anxiety and conflict without really changing any programs. Head trips and intellectual understanding have failed - another way of saying this: You cannot figure your way out of an emotional problem, you must feel your way out.

The Greatness In You quickly gets to what matters and is filled with confronting questions to help you take an honest look at yourself. While looking honestly may be difficullt and sometimes painful the reward is worth it, as it really is the first step toward resolution.

The Greatness In You is conducted as a no nonsense, down to earth self-inquiry. You don't have to learn new techniques. You won't be force-fed any beliefs. No one will try to convince you of anything and no one will try to change your religious or political views.

The Greatness In You seminar aims to bring about a shift in how you feel about yourself, your life and other people.

The Greatness In You seminar does not focus on how much you know, knowledge is the booby prize, how you feel about yourself, your life and others is the focus.

You can't change anything you don't acknowledge.

The law of cause and effect

When you were a child growing up, you experienced negativity to varying degrees. Inevitably, when young you draw conclusions about yourself and then as an adult you continue to believe them instead of examining them to see how true they are or how relevant they are to your life today.

The Greatness In You Seminar gives you the opportunity to re-evaluate these negative conclusions and you gain a total understanding of the original cause behind present day reactions. With this understanding you have a complete change in attitude - you take your blinkers off so to speak - and with this change you ignite the true essence of well-being and confidence within yourself.

As so many participants continually confirm, living does not have to include self-imposed limitations which have been embedded in your routine approach to everyday existence. They say you stop just existing and start living with a vitality and passion for all aspects of your life that you have previously neglected and allowed to become dormant for far too long.

The new invigorating grasp on life benefits everyone around you. Work colleagues as well as your family and friends all feel the positive effect from such an enormous attitudinal change.

History repeats itself

Participants are often amazed to find that the life they have today, the way they behave, the way others treat them and the way they feel isn’t that much different to what they experienced as children. The Greatness In You takes a very practical approach and gives very simple methods of dealing with the return of old patterns.